Your form "Client Referrals " has received the following response: Submitted on: 04/09/2019 03:14:57 PM Completion time: 14 min. 2 sec. Client Name and Address Laura Valdez (806) 454-0201 Client Email R. 620 Avenue J TX Ralls 79357 Crosby Client's Age at Referral: 37 Client's DOB: 12-10-1981 Client's Gender: Female Client's Ethnicity: Hispanic Is this a hospice patient? No Is this a dialysis patient? No Is this a handicapped person living alone? No Did this person serve in the military? No Is there a financial need, based on your agency's guidelines? Yes Does the Client Own or Rent their home? Rent Caretaker /Other Contact Name: member sister Cristina Caretaker/Other Contact Phone: (806) 392.8128 Where is the ramp needed? (Be specific: front of house, side door, etc...) front of trailer home Provide a brief description of the obstacle(s) (e.g. a door threshold, a single step, a mobile home with three steps, etc...) The existing platform and steps are part concrete, part wood. The door is centered on both. The wood section is so rotten that the member and their family avoid stepping on it. This is posing a danger to the member and her safety. Provide details of the client's mobility that are relevant to a ramp (e.g. walking, assisted walking, manual wheelchair, powered wheelchair, etc.). Also include a prognosis if this is expected to change. Member is intellectually disabled with morbid obesity, knee pain, back pain and SOB with any exertion. Member has chronic leg pain and has a difficult time lifting legs. Members gait is poor and unbalanced. Is there an existing dangerous ramp at the client's home? No Referring Social Worker Full Name: Jennifer Whitfield RN Name of Referring Agency: Amerigroup Referring Social Worker's Phone: (806)748-4880 Referring Social Worker's Email: