Mario Limon
Street view from North (at house) to South toward 19th Street (CR 6700)
Trailer for Mario Limon is at the back of this house.  This house is on the East side of the street.
Path to the Limon trailer is behind the house on the street and slightly hard to see from the street.
Ramp will come off to the right of the deck, rail and fence will have to be cut and removed.
Door threshold is 5 1/2 inches high, the deck will have to be built up.
Ramp will come off this end toward the parking area.
Limon driveway is beside the trailer and ramp path will come toward this parking area.
Head of ramp will run parallel to the trailer toward the parking area for 12', reach a flat, and then on out toward the parking area for a total of 30'.